Directions Eisenach

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Arriving from the South-West:

Take the Autobahn A 5 from Frankfurt in the direction of Kassel until the Hattenbach interchange. Stay on the left and take A 7 in the direction of Kassel. At the interchange Kirchheim, take Autobahn A4 in the direction of Erfurt. Take the exit Eisenach-Ost. Turn left into B84 (Langensalzaer Str.) in the direction of Eisenach. Follow the street into the city of Eisenach. After arriving in Eisenach, cross the river Hörsel. 80 m after the river turn right into Hermannstrasse. At the next intersection (around 80 m), turn right into Heinrichstraße. (This is where the truck gate for delivery and pick-up is located.) Visitors continue on Heinrichstr. for around 300 m. The last gate on the left is also the entrance gate to GINO GmbH Eisenach.

Arriving from the East:

Take Autobahn A4 from Dresden in the direction of Frankfurt/Main, exit Eisenach-Ost. Turn left into B84 (Langensalzaer Str.) in the direction of Eisenach. Cross the Autobahn through an underpass. Follow the street into the city of Eisenach. After arriving in Eisenach, cross the river Hörsel. 80 m after the river turn right into Hermannstrasse. At the next intersection (around 80 m), turn right into Heinrichstraße. (This is where the truck gate for delivery and pick-up is located.) Visitors continue on Heinrichstrassse for around 300 m. The last gate on the left is also the entrance gate to GINO GmbH Eisenach.

Arriving from the North:

Take Autobahn A5 from Kassel in the direction of Frankfurt until the Hattenbach interchange. Stay on the left and continue on A7 in the direction of Kassel. At the interchange Kirchheim, take Autobahn A4 in the direction of Erfurt. Exit Eisenach-Ost. Turn left into B84 (Langensalzaer Str.) in the direction of Eisenach. Follow the street into the city of Eisenach. After arriving in Eisenach, cross the river Hörsel. 80 m after the river turn right into Hermannstrasse. At the next intersection (around 80 m), turn right into Heinrichstraße. (This is where the truck gate for delivery and pick-up is located.) Visitors continue on Heinrichstr. for around 300 m. The last gate on the left is also the entrance gate to GINO GmbH Eisenach.